La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School

Resources for Parents Carers

Resources for Parents & Carers

LAMBETH CAMHS provides the widest range of services in the UK for people with mental health problems or an addiction to drugs or alcohol. They provide treatment and care for adults and older people living in south London, specialist child and adolescent mental health services and specialist services for people from across the country.

YOUNG MINDS are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. They offer support to both young people and parents/carers on a range of mental health issues.

MINDED FOR FAMILIES is intended to support parents and those caring for children and young people in their family when they are concerned about a young person’s mental health or wellbeing.

CHATHEALTH is a confidential messaging advice service for young people attending school or living in Lambeth and Southwark who are aged 11-19 years. You can confidentially ask a nurse for help or advice via text about a range of issues including: health conditions, bullying, self-harm, stress and anxiety, sexual health, relationships and more. To view their information sheet for parents and carers, please click here.

PLACE2BE is a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools.

BEAT is the UK's eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, their mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. Beat offers information and support on different kinds of eating disorders, and for bother sufferers and those who care for them. To view Beat's guide for friends and family, please click here.

VICTIM SUPPORT is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. They provide specialist help to support people to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.

THE HIDEOUT, created by Women's Aid, is a space to help young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.

RAPE CRISIS is a feminist organisation that supports the work of Rape Crisis Centres across England and Wales., and raise awareness and understanding of sexual violence and abuse in all its forms. They offer a safe place to talk and seek advice regarding rape and sexual assault.

YOUNG CARERS TRUST is a major charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.

CITIZENS ADVICE is a  network of independent charities offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. They provide advice and links to services regarding benefits, work, debt, housing, law and immigration.

PACE (PARENTS AGAINST CHILD EXPLOITATION) is a leading specialist charity that brings the parent perspective to tackling child exploitation.

PARENT PROTECTS is a child sexual abuse awareness and prevention website was created by the child sexual abuse prevention campaign, Stop It Now! UK and Ireland and The Lucy Faithfull Foundation. They aim to prevent child sexual abuse by raising awareness and encouraging early recognition of warning signs of abuse and identifying and responses to the problem by abusers themselves and those close to them.

THINK U KNOW offers advice, information and support regaring online safety for parents/carers and children of all age groups.

IMKAAN are the only UK-based, umbrella women's organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and Minoritised women and girls, i.e. women which are defined in policy terms as Black and 'Minority Ethnic' (BME). 

GALOP offers helplines open to anyone LGBT+ in the UK, as well as friends, family members, and professionals who may be concerned about an LGBT+ person who is facing abuse.

Supporting a young person with self-harming behaviours

'The reasons children and teenagers can self-harm are often complicated and will be different for every child or young person. Sometimes a child or teenager may not know the reasons they self-harm. For many young people, self-harm can feel like a way to cope with difficult feelings or to release tension. The physical pain of hurting themselves can feel like a distraction from the emotional pain they're struggling with.' — NSPCC website

NSPCC - Childrens' mental health, self harm sdvice

Young Minds - A guide for parents on self harm

Place2Be - Supporting a child who is self harming

Early Help Services by Borough

LAMBETH EARLY HELP PARENTING SUPPORT SERVICE can help you identify the right support for your family, whether this is attending a parenting course, completing a programme online, or accessing one-to-one support.

SOUTHWARK FAMILY EARLY HELP provides a range of targeted services are provided in partnership with others (children and family centres, health professionals, schools, and the voluntary sector) to continue to assist a family to prevent problems from escalating.

THRIVE WANDSWORTH EARLY HELP provide information on activities and support services available to families in Wandsworth.

CROYDON EARLY HELP offers universal support in places such as children centres, and how to access additional support through the Early Help Family Solutions service.


