La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School

The Cup

The Cup!

Students from Year 9 and 10 attended the Debate Mate Cup Competition at the University of Westminster last term. Students engaged in lively debate on three topics, including violence in the media, using artificial intelligence to make decisions in government and whether public figures should share their personal views on important issues.  Participants did extremely well, each team winning two out of three debates and demonstrating excellence rhetorical skills. In addition, the team won an award for the club with the best overall attendance!

“The trip to Westminster University for the competition was thoroughly enjoyable, having the chance to debate against other schools and get feedback on what to improve on for next time. The atmosphere was very friendly, and we got to socialize with peers from other schools. Summarizing, the trip was a great experience at going into the city and trying something new”. Tsion (Year 10) 

