Spotlight on: Scholarships
Our Scholarship Programme targets the most able 5% in each cohort across Year 7-13 and is designed to raise career aspirations and encourage the development of super curricular skills, seeking to broaden horizons, extend skillsets and develop new interests. The Programme enables access to a menu of events, workshops, conferences and trips, including visits to Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, subject-specific conferences, in-house guest speakers, skills and employability workshops, and careers showcases.
We caught up with some of our Scholarship students, to find out more about their experiences.
This term, Year 9 scholars were taken to the Worshipful Company of Barber Surgeons, to learn about careers in the medical field and meet with a range of experienced professionals.
“The trip was thoroughly enjoyable, I learnt a lot more about some of the different medical fields and attended a carousel talk where we were able to talk to a dozen or so medical professionals, ranging from neurologists to orthopaedic surgeons. It was insightful, as I asked many questions relating to their fields of work. I can confidently say that this has helped me to affirm that I want to go into a career in medicine and I am glad to have had the opportunity to attend this trip”. Hermione
“I really enjoyed going to the Barber's Surgeon Hall. I learnt a lot about some of the different roles in the medical field and the event really helped me have a clearer vision of what I want to do in the future. I learnt from the King's College students that you need at least 5 years in medical school and a further 2 years of training as a foundation doctor and then being able to specialize as a specific doctor. Overall, the event was interactive and informative, and I am grateful to have had such an opportunity and I am looking forward to learning more about the medical field”. Emmanuella
Year 12 student Diana recently had a Scholars mentoring session with our ex-Head Girl Nicole, who left the La Retraite 6 in 2021 and embarked on a Degree Apprenticeship at UBS Investment Banking Company.
“Nicole was very helpful when mentoring me because she came very prepared, she had printed out information for me to use, such as different universities information that offer undergraduate courses which combine business and psychology and information around apprenticeships I might be interested in, alongside websites I can use to do wider research.
We spoke about my ideas and options, and she gave me scenarios and advice which really helped me understand situations that may arise in the application process and whilst in my future career, and she also made me think more about what exact sector I would like to go into in the business world. From engaging in this mentor experience, I feel my nerves have been alleviated and I have a better idea of my future steps”.