La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School

Giving Back

Giving Back

In light of the events in the Ukraine, the La Retraite community came together in celebration of different cultures, where staff and students dressed in their own cultural outfits to help rise funds for the Ukraine Appeal, to provide food, water, health, shelter and clothing for those in need. Not only was the Cultural Day a rich celebration, but it was a resounding success as we proudly donated £220.00 to the appeal. We received the following message of thanks from CAFOD:

“Our local Ukrainian aid workers and volunteers are already reaching families in need who have been forced to leave their homes due to the conflict, especially women and children. We are supporting our Caritas sister agencies to reach communities most in need inside Ukraine, and in neighbouring countries. On behalf of the families, you are reaching out to with kindness and compassion, thank you”.

