Leadership and Voice
At La Retraite, every student is encouraged to take on positions of responsibility and explore the different pathways to ignite their aspirations. We aim to support students by developing their understanding of their career options and providing opportunities to gain real-life experience, enabling learners to make informed decisions and feel equipped for their chosen route, with an array of desirable attributes under their belt.
La Retraite Student Leadership Roles
Student leaders are an invaluable part of the school community. It is an opportunity for the young people in our community to develop the skills that will enable them to make a difference. They learn the value of being a servant-leader and the importance of focusing primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.
Students can be recommended to be a student leader or they apply to take on a particular. At la Retraite there are a variety of leadership opportunities. If you feel inspired to take on one of these roles contact the link member of staff
1. La Retraite Student Leadership Team
The La Retraite Senior Student Leadership Team are students from the Sixth Form led by the Presidents and Deputy Presidents. The Team also includes the La Retraite House Captains.
The role of the Student Leadership Team is to:
- Support the staff in the day-to-day management of the school, for example managing the dinner queues.
- Organise the Big Sister club.
- Speak to visitors at events, such as Open Mornings
- Read at assemblies.
- Support the running of the School Council
· House Captains help to organise Sports Day and other House events such as
- House Music
- House Netball
- House Football
- House Table Football
- House Table tennis
The School Presidents meet with the Headteacher every two weeks.
School President Job Description
Deputy President Job description
Staff Link: Mr Obah, Ms Dutton & Mr Malins
2. Student Chaplaincy Group
What is a Student Chaplain?
The Student Chaplaincy group members responsible for the religious and spiritual well-being of the La Retraite school community. The Chaplain will have an important role in promoting the school Catholic Ethos and will work with Mrs Appiah, Assistant headteacher in leading and developing the Catholic life of the school.
Roles & Responsibilities of a Student Chaplain:
- To work with the Assistant Headteacher overseeing the Catholic life of the school to plan, prepare and lead liturgies and collective worship in the school.
- To help with providing suitable resources for the prayer life and worship of the school, such as prayer booklets and readings for collective worship
- To ensure the school environment and displays reflect the school’s Catholic Christian identity
- Promote and care for the Prayer Room/Chapel/Prayer Garden as a sacred space
- Work with the Assistant Headteacher to develop school retreat programme for pupils and staff
- Support students to participate in the sacramental life of the Church, where appropriate, for example, when preparing for Mass and other Liturgical events
- To celebrate and share the faith life of the school with the wider community
- To meet regularly with the Assistant Headteacher who is responsible for the development of the Catholic life of the school
- Where appropriate, challenge and support on standards, morals and the values of the Christian life of the school.
- To report to and work with the Assistant Headteacher to promote the Catholic ethos of the school.
- To attend regular training to enhance your own spiritual well-being
- Help fellow students to recognise God’s love for them and their need of God through praying for them and showing kindness to others.
- Inspire fellow students through being an example in the community
- To encourage fellow students to live the faith by being involved in projects relating to social justice, for example, supporting with fundraising events to support local charities and those in need.
Staff Link: Mrs Appiah Kubi
3. Personal Development Class Representatives
Purpose of a Personal development (PD) representative
- To represent the views of students in the form class on matters relating to the student learning experience in personal development lessons.
- To work with Mrs Appiah (Assistant Headteacher leading the personal development programme) by helping create solutions to problems identified by fellow students.
- To provide both positive and negative feedback to Mrs Appiah at relevant personal development meetings (held once per half-term)
- To act as a communication channel between staff and students in relation to the personal development programme.
Main duties and responsibilities:
- To contribute to the discussion at the meetings, bringing your experience as a student Personal development leader
- To hold Focus Groups with students in your form to discuss personal development topics/programme and present these views at relevant meetings via Student Voice.
- To share information on personal development content between staff and students
- To monitor the personal development board in your form rooms
- Hold discussion in form to decide on topics each half-term for your creative piece competitions.
- Carry out actions given to you at the meetings
Benefits of being a student representative
We want to work together with you to provide you and future students with the best possible experience in personal development lessons. Here are some benefits to being a student rep:
- Opportunities to influence decision-making on the personal development content
- Sharing ideas and information
- ‘Giving back’ to your course or to improve students learning experience
- Networking and meeting other representatives / fellow students in different year groups
Staff Link: Mrs Appiah Kubi
4. Student Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Each year group has a team of Anti-bullying Ambassadors. Their role is to be role models for other students. They have training so that they understand the impact of bullying on others and understand the power of kindness and actively promote it.
A Student Anti-bullying Ambassador
- Works with adults to: make the school a safer place for all
- Creates awareness about what bullying is and the negative impact on victims
- Looks for signs and tells an adult about potential bullying situations (e.g., banter and joking that could become unkind)
- Notices, befriends and tells an adult about possible victims of bullying
- Promptly reports any active or passive bullying incidents
- Helps to lead form-time activities on anti-bullying
- Helps their Head of Year and Pastoral Support Manager with mediation and resolving friendship issues
- Has regular meetings with their Head of Year and Pastoral Support Manager
Staff Link:
Year 7: Ms Foster, lfoster@laretraite.co.uk
Year 8: Ms Champagne-Pope, dchampagniepope@laretraite.co.uk
Year 9: Ms Williams, mwilliams@laretraite.co.uk
Year 10: Ms Cadette, scadette@laretraite.co.uk
Year 11: Ms Weekes, cweekes@laretraite.co.uk
5. La Retraite Sports Leaders
Year 10 students can develop leadership skills by becoming Sports Leaders and gaining a sports leader qualification. The following skills and behaviours are developed: leadership, planning, organisation, communication, time management, tolerance, respect, resilience, approachability and positive attitude are skills students will develop. They will also develop skills in leading their peers in a variety of different sporting activities.
In the summer term sports leaders will visit our local feeder primary schools and teach a group of 8-12 pupils from reception to year 4 in a range of activities. Sports leaders will also help to organise and lead events such as extracurricular clubs, sports day, sports and multi-sports events and tournaments for primary schools in Lambeth.
Staff Link: Mrs Iwobi
6. School Council
La Retraite School Council is group of students representing each Form and each year group who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views. Each Form elects a Form Representative. Every half term, during Form time, there will be an opportunity for Forms to discuss key issues.
Every half term the Form Representatives will meet as a School Council to discuss the key issues raised by the Forms and those that they are asked to discuss by the school’s Senior Leadership team.
A delegation from the School Council then meets with the school’s Senior Leadership team and agree appropriate actions. The delegation then feedback to the rest of the school council. A summary of these meetings is shared with all students.
Staff Link: Mr Obah