La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School

Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives

Our Equality Objectives for 2023/2024 are:

  • To improve outcomes for all students including those with protected characteristics so that they make progress at least in line with expectations based on their prior attainment and ability.

  • To continue to provide a school environment that welcomes, protects, and respects diverse people and which enables all students, including those in groups with protected characteristics, to participate in the wider school community and make a positive contribution to school life.

  • To continue to close the gaps in attainment and achievement between students and all groups of students; especially boys and girls, disadvantaged students, students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Looked After Children, and students from different heritage groups

  • To promote mental health awareness, challenge stigma, to develop strategies and opportunities to develop staff and pupil wellbeing.

  • To challenge stereotypes and barriers that may deny opportunities to students through high-quality teaching, enrichment opportunities and careers guidance.